Congressman Rob Wittman won re-election on November 6th with 55% of the vote over his opponent’s 45% of the vote.
Rob sent out a post election note, which is quoted below. Congratulations, Rob and we are proud to have you represent us in the 1st District!
“Thank you for all your support throughout this campaign. We won Tuesday night because of you. The highest honor of my life is serving as the Representative for the First District, and I am grateful to be given the opportunity to return to Washington to work on your behalf.
I want to thank all of my staff and volunteers for their countless hours of work getting our message out and for ensuring victory today. There is so much more work to be done to continue improving our District and our nation. I am so grateful to the constituents of the First District for again putting their trust in me, and I look forward to another two years of service.
As I return to the fight, I am glad to have you standing with me.
Thank you,
Rob Wittman”